you need more pictures of gods and goddesses
I couldn't agree more!
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by mikaela gillis dawn Kay
I like Athena because she is awesome
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by aniya
this a wonderful website to go to
Thankssss :-)
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by Rosemary
(Monterey,CA US)
To me Athena is one of the main Greek goddesses. To me she was the prettiest. But from what i've learned and heard she was not vain she was a very kind soul. If I could be a god or goddess I would be a goddess just like if I could be any goddess I would be Athena because she known to be a kind and giving soul.
I have also heard and learned lots of great things about Hera. She was swallowed by her father, married to Zeus, Queen of the gods and goddesses, and having to be so time wise; I mean if she was a regular human she would have a tight schedule. Any way I believe she was known to have the animal spirit, I don't know what you would call it but like the spirit animal of an owl. Another very interesting goddess. I don't know if I would want to be her because I believe she was also known robe full of her jelousy.
Hi Rosemary,
I think your analysis of these two goddesses is very profound, it's obvious that you have thouroughly thought about what you've read and you have looked for the deeper meaning.
Congratulations and... Happy New Year :-)
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by Carrie Fan
(New York City)
I think the key story that I favor is Athena and Arachnne. When they fought, goddess vs. human.
Well, it surely wasn't a fair play competition! But that's the whole point of the Greek myths, to teach people to be humble and never mess with the gods.
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